Snow Emergency Declared

The Borough has declared a Snow Emergency effective for 1:00 pm on Sunday, January 19, 2025, until further notice. We will continue to monitor forecasts, and should predictions change, the Borough will adjust the upcoming emergency. As projected accumulations vary, we are moving ahead with the emergency declaration to ensure our crews are able to do the necessary work both prior to and during the upcoming weather event. Crews will be out when the snow begins and will continue to monitor the storm and plow/salt accordingly.

For citizens, a snow emergency means that all vehicles parked on those streets where signage indicates no parking during a snow emergency are required, by law, to be moved elsewhere in order to allow snow plowing of the road surface. Snow emergency signage dictates which side of the street residents may not park on when an emergency is declared. Residents may park in their driveways (if available), alternate sides of their street, or on another street not marked “No Parking.” These parking restrictions are put into place for the purpose of public safety as well as the efficiency of snow clearing on Borough streets; vehicles in violation are subject to ticketing and/or towing.

Property owners are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure that their public sidewalk areas are cleared of snow/ice within 12 hours of the last snowfall, including curb ramps at intersections. This helps to ensure that these areas are safe for pedestrians. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated!

For any weather-related emergency, please dial 9-1-1.