On March 17, 2022, Narberth Borough Council passed Resolution #2022-6 affirming the Borough’s participation in the Sustainable Pennsylvania Community Certification Program. The Sustainable Pennsylvania Community Certification, a project of the Pennsylvania Municipal League and Sustainable Pittsburgh, is a voluntary performance recognition program to help municipalities achieve their sustainability goals to save money, conserve resources, and encourage innovation. It is intended to bring recognition to municipalities that are applying the policy and practice of sustainability as their way of operating in order to advance community prosperity. Focused on municipal operations, policies, and practices, the certification also serves as a mechanism for sharing best practices for creating a more sustainable Pennsylvania.
Narberth Borough strives to be a more sustainable community by committing to preservation of community character, balanced planning, and increased community involvement. This dedicated section of our website outlines some of the many initiatives we have undertaken or are starting to undertake to ensure the long term health and vibrancy of Narberth and its residents. Our promise is to continue to promote and improve sustainability through our municipal policies and practices to enrich the lives of our residents and the health of our community.
Sustainable PA Silver Certification
Narberth Borough announced on August 17, 2022, that it is among a select group of high performing municipalities to become certified through the Sustainable Pennsylvania Community Certification program. Narberth Borough is recognized at the Silver level of certification for meeting the program’s rigorous performance criteria which track 131 policies and practices that define a sustainable community.
In earning the Silver certification, Narberth Borough is acknowledged for its progress in such areas as community design and land use, energy efficiency, health and wellness, intergovernmental cooperation, recycling and waste reduction, fiscal controls, and internal management and operations
LED Streetlight Installation
The Borough of Narberth purchased the streetlights from PECO, and the LED streetlights were installed in 2021. The project is anticipated to be completed by Spring 2022.
Climate Action Plan and EV Charging Stations
Narberth Borough has developed of a Climate Action Plan that was accepted by Narberth’s Borough Council in September 2020. The plan details the steps Narberth will take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, utilities, and municipal waste. Narberth was part of a cohort of 20 municipalities selected by Pennsylvania’s Department of Environmental Protection to work with the international group ICLEI to develop plans to help local communities mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and plan for long-term adaptations that climate change will require in Pennsylvania. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held on September 10, 2021, for its new electric vehicle charging stations. To read the full Press Release, visit https://www.narberthpa.gov/climate-action-plan-and-ev-charging-stations-press-release/. The Public Health and Safety and Ad Hoc Parking Committees are discussing how to regulate and provide residential EV chargers.
Professional Training
In order to ensure that Narberth Borough provides the best services possible, municipal staff regularly attend professional training, including safety, management, sustainability, and training specific to job duties. In addition, newly elected officials may also participate in local government training such as the Pennsylvania State Association of Boroughs’ Newly Elected Municipal Officials Training.
Community Involvement
Narberth Borough posts public meeting information, including agendas and meeting packets, on the Borough’s website, Facebook page, bi-annual printed newsletter and weekly emailed newsletter to ensure that opportunities are provided for public participation and civic engagement. Meeting minutes are uploaded to the website once approved and meetings are recorded for public view on the Narberth Civic Association’s YouTube. The community may also visit the Borough’s new webpage dedicated to volunteer opportunities to view a description of all Boards and Commissions, see what positions are available, and submit an application form.
Stormwater Management
Municipalities have been required to demonstrate how they are reducing the amount of pollutants in runoff that enters the stormwater system. To address this the Borough Engineer, in partnership with Council and staff, has developed a Draft Pollution Reduction Plan, currently pending approval by DEP. Narberth Borough has a dedicated webpage for Stormwater Management and has received Notice to Proceed from Montgomery County for stormwater bumpouts, the Borough Engineer expects to have the design ready for bid in June 2022.
NarbEarth Day
The Narberth Civic Association annually holds a popular environmental fair called NarbEarth Day. This event includes games, entertainment, helpful information, and so much more! Event dates and additional information can be found on the Narberth Civic Association.
Shade Tree Planting
Each fall and spring, the Shade Tree Commission encourages Narberth Borough residents and businesses to plant shade trees on their properties by volunteering with the community to plant them. Tree planting sign up forms and information are emailed in the weekly newsletter and posted to the Narberth Borough Facebook.
Public Works Department
The Public Works Department of Narberth has been exploring ways to reduce our emissions and fuel usage. With the support of borough council, borough management and the Narberth EAC, we have been able to begin ordering battery powered landscape equipment. To read more, visit https://www.narberthpa.gov/sustainable-practices-in-public-works/. The Public Works Department does not use pesticides or herbicides.
Municipal Building Energy Audit
In 2021, Narberth Borough requested an energy audit by Pennoni, Narberth’s Engineering firm for the building located at 100 Conway Avenue. The audit is expected to be complete in 2022 and the results will be posted to https://www.narberthpa.gov/information/project-information/plans-reports-presentations/.
Montgomery County C-PACE Program
Montgomery County passed a resolution to adopt C-PACE in July 2020. The Commissioners approved C-PACE to help local commercial, industrial, and agricultural property owners obtain low-cost, long-term financing for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water conservation projects. Upon approving the C-PACE resolution, the commissioners authorized the County to enter into a Cooperative Agreement with Sustainable Energy Fund for the administration of the Program.
Through the C-PACE program, Montgomery County commercial businesses, agriculture interests, and nonprofits can finance clean energy and water efficiency projects with long-term and low-cost financing. To learn more about the program and for information on how to apply, visit https://pacpacecounties.org/county/montgomery-county/.