Ongoing Air Quality Issues in Montco (from Montgomery County Alert Center)

Currently, the Air Quality Index in Montgomery County is considered very unhealthy (201-300) to hazardous (300+). You can monitor the air quality in your area using or, and follow recommendations for steps to protect your health based on your personal health risks using guidance here:…/air-quality-guide-for-particle….

  • When air quality is very unhealthy, everyone should avoid prolonged or heavy exertion outdoors. At very unhealthy air quality levels, children, older adults, and other people with higher risk should avoid all outdoor physical activity.
  • When air quality is hazardous, everyone should avoid all outdoor activity.

Stay informed by signing up through ReadyMontco alerts at:

If you are experiencing severe shortness of breath or heart conditions, call 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. If you are experiencing minor or controllable symptoms, contact your health care provider.—–For the full notice that was released by Montgomery County, please click the banner.