Yard Waste, Trash and Recycling Collection Schedule

Brush and vegetation are collected every Wednesday. Leaves must be placed in brown paper leaf bags, available at hardware stores. Please note, Christmas trees can be put out for brush & yard waste.
Single-stream recycling is collected every Thursday. If recycling day falls on a major holiday, recycling collection will be the next business day. Request a new recycling can and/or lid
Trash is collected every Friday. If trash day falls on a major holiday, trash collection will be the next business day.
Special collection of bulk items are picked-up every Friday during the trash collection. Every resident may put out one bulk item a week, free of charge. Click here for more information on how to dispose of your bulk item. Tires, fluorescent bulbs, batteries, electronics and other hazardous waste cannot be collected. For more information on how to recycle these items, please visit Montgomery County’s Recycling Website.